

A community tool for residents, that makes collective action easy.

Our mission –

Facilitate – Milen Kuchh Karen

Key modules of the Niwasi Application are : Resident Sabha module, Resident Sabha date announcement, auto-generated Resident Sabha, giving agenda, agenda prioritising, voting on the proposal, resident’s collective decisions and resident’s decision tracking, resident’s driven urgent Resident Sabha, and historical catalogue of agenda, Resident Sabha, and decisions taken at Resident Sabha.

– A resident can get access to multiple communities in the Application with one login credential… and more.

The application also helps residents and its partner NGO to have community-generated summary report in real-time. This community-generated report card gets shared with all the residents and the stakeholders within the community as well as outside. Access control is role based design.

The community level summary report can be used for collective initiatives.

Basic concept of ‘niwasi.in’ application is rooted from an on-ground implementation of Resident Sabha program for over many years.

Small impacts of Resident Sabha felt : A child learned to read, a woman returned to their in-laws, teacher’s attendance become more regular, mid-day meal quality improved, hand pump got repaired… this list of small micro improvements is endless.

Resident Sabha experience: These small benefits were neither the result of an NGO intervention nor were driven by influential community persons, but it happened because collectively related issues were raised at Resident Sabha meetings in the form of agenda, and decisions were taken collectively at the meeting and then acted on by the team of a few residents on the behalf of the resident’s sabha decisions.

Challenges that we are addressing –

Improving public services and facilities, with increased government expenditure, access to digital community and other favorable factors, there is a continuous decline in collectiveness of local residents. This, in many cases, results in a reduced participation of residents in collectiveness relating to common services or facilities.

Who has developed this system ? –

It is a service product of Sunai Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. and jointly developed by Sunai Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. and its IT partners Triline Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Background note –

Sunai has been developing multiple processes for residents that facilitate them to take collective initiatives. These processes provide social organisations as well as residents, the tools that help them to make collective initiatives easy and effective. Details of the tools can be found on the website Niwasi.in.

Note : Sunai has standarised those tools that have been developed during the consultancy services that it provided to its distinguished clients.

One of such tools is Niwasi App, niwasi.in <link to home page> and its various extensions -- Partner, Help, Info, Student, and Panchayat-webpage. Full list of functional modules of Niwasi.in can be found in the <link to>.

More about the niwasi.in –

List of functionalities in the Niwasi App

Database for community : Streets, buildings, common spaces, land plots; Residents’ list including families and businesses; Stakeholder, asset, facilities, utilities

Service level tracking modules : Sanitation, waste disposal, drinking water etc.; Human development goal & Human rights; Identify beneficiary and benefits tracking

Democratic tools for resident : Resident Sabha, Ideas on new initiatives and collective decision; Election; Common interest group; Grievances related to services, complaint against resident’s undesired action

Help each other : Child in need of care and protection; whole community is needy; old age, suffering from disease, no family or no relation-friends, met accident, financial challenges, gender issue, migration, social backwardness, handicap, pandemic

Citizen rights : Budget analysis, right to information, raise demand to local bodies or govt., social audit, moderation of open discussions, complaint cell, citizen charter of community

Interaction : Celebration, Blood Donation Camp; Morning walkers Yoga club; Charity together.

Mutual support : Support residents in need (car problem, gas cylinder, minor accident, med. support etc.); Available skills, resale etc.

Social amenities : Children’s park, Club house, Gym, library, open space, common parking, play zone, cricket ground…

Visitor modules : Guest, home deliver security, household help visits

Administration modules : Fee collection, asset, scheduling, announcements, penalties, annual event calendar, management.

Vendor or house help management modules : Vendor or service person empanelment, electrician, plumber, maid, service grading, APNE — helping good vendors.

Dash board and website for community

Information base : government schemes, service providers, citizen rights and duties, development goals.

Implementation eco system –

  • Internal resources of community
    • – Self functioning application
    • – Basic functionality — no ongoing support required
    • – One contact point would be helpful for residents
    • – Can be customised easily as per the requirements
  • Support team
    • – One time database creator if internal resources are not available
    • – Facilitators of Resident Sabha
    • – Hand holding to internal resources
    • – Initial awareness drive
    • – Service provider agency integration

  • The software technology –

    About the team –

    Concept team

    Pranav Kr. Chaudhary : Studied civil engineering (B. Tech.) at IIT Mumbai. 20 years of experience of working on project that has direct or indirect intervention in communities.

    Vikas Kr. Chaudhary : Engineering in Electronics and Communication with 12 years of development work (Triline).

    Mitesh Thakkar : MBA from INSEAD. Gives consultancy to various development organisations like UN bodies, the World Bank, Pratham and others.

    Need assessment and grassroot test team

    Nirbhay Kumar : Masters in social science with 5 years of experience of grassroot implementation, process drafting.

    Pradeep Rai : Long experience of field execution and implemented Resident Sabha concept on ground for a long period.

    Development team

    Vidyaram Tyagi : Information Technology graduate and has about 4 years of experience in software development.

    Mohtasim : Prime responsibility is testing and has long experience with educational background in MCA.

    Team of 5 developers is working on the project.


    Niwasi Application is jointly developed by : Sunai Consultancy, and Trilline Infotech (IT Partner).

    About Sunai Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. –

    Sunai Consultancy is registered as a private limited company in Patna, Bihar (India). Sunai was founded in 2005 with the mission to provide monitoring, evaluation, and capacity building support in the development sector. One founding member of Sunai is an IITian and has been active volunteer for communities. The founding members has worked at Pratham Education Initiative in the past.

    About Trilline Infotech (IT Partner) –

    Triline Infotech provided much needed software development facilities and ecosystem, which is identifying and training of code writer, providing software development ecosystem, office space and the technology know-how.